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医 yi

Home Pinyin yi

东华医院 dōng huá yīyuàn donghua hospital

法医 fǎyī forensic

就医 jiùyī seek medical attention

看医生 kàn yīshēng see a doctor

兽医 shòuyī vet; veterinary; vets

校医 xiàoyī school doctor

牙医 yáyī dentist

医疗 yīliáo medical

医生 yīshēng doctor; doctors; medical; medically; physicians; practitioner; practitioners

医师 yīshī doctor; physician

医学 yīxué medicine

医药 yīyào medicine

医院 yīyuàn hospital; hospitals

庸医 yōngyī charlatan

中医 zhōngyī chinese medicine

Copyright (c) 2021 David Pearce